E' uscito su Gait & Posture l'editoriale a nome SIAMOC

Settembre 2020

E' uscito su Gait & Posture l'editoriale a nome SIAMOC

We are pleased to release a virtual special issue of Gait and Posture focused on “Clinical Impact of Instrumented Motion Analysis”. You can find this content under the “Article Collections” section of the Gait and Posture website. It contains both review articles and research papers on the topic, along with introductory materials by the editors, the presidents of the professional societies affiliated with Gait and Posture, and representatives of the Commission for Motion Laboratory Accreditation. We hope that the contents of this special issue will be informative to our readers and to all clinicians and stakeholders interested in learning how instrumented motion analysis impacts clinical care and that it will inspire more research in this important area with the end goal of continuously improving patient care.

Tishya Wren, Associate Editor (twren@chla.usc.edu)
Li-Shan Chou, Associate Editor (chou@iastate.edu)
Thomas Dreher, Editor-in-Chief (dr_dreher@hotmail.com)
Gait and Posture

Trovate l'editoriale al link di seguito

Nardone A, Svehlik M, Rhodes J, Hollands M. Perspective on the Clinical Impact of Instrumented Motion Analysis by the Gait and Posture Affiliate Society Presidents [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 10]. Gait Posture. 2020;82:106-107. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.08.103.